Enhance your primary marketing message by adding extra information to your primary Hanging For Sale sign. Custom Riders are a simple way to provide the target audience with useful information like a reduction in price, a unique offer, or anything that helps a house sell, without viewers being distracted from the primary sign. The product is ultra-light, durable, corrosion-resistant, fully customizable, and available in various sizes.

Printing: LED UV Ink
Stock: 4mm Coroplast or 8mm Coroplast (optiona)
Finishing Option: Grommet placement Available
Printing Sides: Double Sided (4/4)


penWe Recommend saving your files as PDF-X1 with embedded or outlined fonts for best results. You may also send your files in the following format: TIFF, PNG, JPEG at 300 DPI or higher.


penIf you send us an RGB file format, there is a big chance that a color shift may occur and you will not be satisfied with your order. You should always start and finish your design in CMYK color format.


penWhen creating a Raised Spot UV or Raised Foil job, you must always include a mask file using solid 100% Black to indicate where UV/Foil Applies on your artwork. Do not use Shadows or glows.


penRich Black is an ink mixture of solid black, 100% Black, with additional CMY ink values. For a rich & intense black we recommend this black formula: C60, M40, Y40, K100.


penOur turnaround times refer solely to production. Once production is completed it may take up to 1 business days for your order to ship or be available for pick-up. please refer to Turnaround Times Table for more information.
Ready to create your product design?
To start, select the product size, preview the design guidelines, download the guidelines for reference, and proceed with the customization options.
Help template cannot be generated as one or both bleed sizes (height and width) are set to 0.
Bleed Line
Safe Line

SizeQuantity FromQuantity ToPrice
24" x 8"11---
32" x 8"11---
36" x 8"11---

Price Calculator

Unit Price:$24.00

Estimated Total:$24.00